Tuesday, February 22, 2011

LeMons race

This past weekend was the spring edition of the 24 Hours of LeMons , an endurance race for cars costing $500 or less.

The team changed up the theme this time and transformed the car to look like a bumble bee. This theme seemed to be popular and lots of people stopped to take photos. (click for larger view)

During the technical inspection and the B/S session (where the team proves to the judges that the car really cost less than $500) the team decked themselves out with bee wings and head bobbers.

Here is Curt:

Here's Jerry:

And Craig:

Team with their supporters

The race was eventful. At about 4pm on Saturday the engine blew. But every good LeMons team comes prepared with an extra engine so they immediately started pulling the blown engine and replacing it with the extra.

At 10:17 pm the new engine cranked up. Unfortunately the replacement had issues of its own and there were numerous new problems.

Sunday's laps were few and far between but they kept at it and the car was actually on the track when the checkered flag dropped.

For their effort the team was awarded the "Most Heroic Fix" award.

Term Terminally Confused wasn't the only team that had issues. The guys in the paddock across the way (who were driving an old Plymouth Fury) altered their team hoodies to reflect how they felt about their situation.

We're on the lookout for a couple of new engines for the May race.

1 comment:

  1. looks like Anita might have helped with the costumes. what fun they had. better luck next time.
