Saturday, September 26, 2009


That's me, a blogging slacker. I haven't gotten much sewing accomplished in the past few months. We're still dealing with my mother's issues. The fall that broke her arm was back on July 24 and she has had 3 surgeries since. There was a surgery to insert pins in the broken arm/shoulder but that surgery was unsuccessful so they did another surgery to remove the pins.

After being in a rehab facility for a while she had to return to the hospital for a 3rd surgery to insert 13 screws in her arm. A few days before that 3rd surgery she started having troubles with her back and has been diagnosed with a fracture at the L2. Tuesday they'll be doing a surgical procedure to stabilize that fracture. That's 4 surgeries in the space of 8 weeks. For a frail 85 year old it is becoming a bit much.

I leave in the morning to drive back to Detroit for this latest surgery. Jerry can't join me as he is now a gainfully employed individual and the company kind of expects employees to actually attend work in order to get a paycheck!


Del said...

I'll be thinking of you and sending good thoughts for your mother. It must be very difficult for her to endure all of this.
Drive safely, rest often, drink water - three good rules for a road trip. Love, Del

Del said...

Corky - I hope your mother came through the surgery okay. She is pretty tough to endure all of this. I'm sending good thoughts across the miles. Del