I attended the Georgia Quilt Show in the Atlanta area over the weekend. The quilts on display were lovely. The registration materials said that photos would not be allowed at the show so I did not take my camera. Turns out the limit on photos was only for a couple of special exhibitions, including the Hoffman Challenge.
I snagged these photos from the show website.
This was the Best of Show quilt. Lots of heavy quilting on this.
Serengeti at Twilight by Leona Harden

I liked this quilt of the young girl on the beach.
Beach Baby by Molly Samuels

This was the first quilt one saw upon entering the show. It was really cool and caused a bit of a traffic jam at the entrance.
The Moment of Inspiration by Sandy Curran

I didn't take any classes but did attend a lecture on dyeing fabric in the microwave. It was interesting and I'm going to give it a try.
In the past they did the Georgia Quilt Show every other year but they announced they'll be doing the show again next year October 20-22.