Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Retreat photos

Here is Donna at the retreat working on her mariner's compass class project. Donna is always very enthusiastic about new techniques and she seemed to really enjoy working on this project. Isn't it nice? (photo clickable for larger view)

Karen, Jolene and Maureen brought a pumpkin block of the month project to work on and did some work on it. However, Jolene and Karen found another pumpkin project at one of the vendors and ended up finishing that quick project over the weekend. Here is Karen with hers. I missed getting a photo of Jolene's (who you can see standing behind Karen at the cutting table) however, hers looks similar to Karen's. If you click on the photo you will see the clock that shows Karen finished this after midnight Saturday. I went to bed about 1:00 that night, and Karen & Jolene were still going strong when I left.