The rain finally stopped by Friday morning. We were lucky. A lot of New England got quite a snow/ice storm. At least it was only rain in NYC.
Before leaving Charleston we discussed what museums we might like to visit and decided that the Metropolitan Museum of Art would be our choice. We hopped on the subway to the Upper West Side. The Museum is on the East side of Central Park so we walked through the park to the Museum. Our path took us by the Castle. It's really a cool building. (click on photos for larger view)
We spent several hours in the Met and could have spent even more if my feet were not screaming at me. I especially enjoy seeing the paintings from the impressionists. If you're never been to the museum, it's more than just paintings. I always enjoy the Egyptian exhibit. Jerry likes the armor from medieval times. The costume exhibit was closed for renovation which was a disappointment to me.
We took the train back down the west side and made a visit to Mood Fabrics at 37th & 7th.

If you are a Project Runway fan, I don't need to tell you about Mood. If you're not a fan, Mood is where the contestants shop for the supplies to make whatever garment is required for that week's challenge. There are a couple of floors of fabric - all on rolls and arranged by fabric type.

There are also shelves and shelves of ribbons and trims. (this photo shows only a small portion of them)

I didn't purchase anything except for a Mood tote bag. As we were getting on the elevator to leave (Mood is on the 3rd floor of the building) a guy was there holding a Mood bag. When he told me they were for sale, I hurried back to get one for myself. Once we were several blocks away I realized that I should have also purchased a bag for my friend Sheila but in my haste I just wasn't thinking. Sheila, if you're reading this, I'm sorry I didn't get you one too!
While walking back up to our hotel, we passed the Parsons School, also an important part of Project Runway. Guess it's obvious I enjoy that show!

Since the rain had finally stopped we decided Friday night would be a good time to get photos of the tree at Rockefeller Center. Apparently everyone else in New York had the same idea! It was getting really cold, but that didn't keep people indoors.

The line of people waiting to skate on the rink seemed to stretch for several blocks. The rink is really rather small so not a lot of people can skate at the same time.

The cold weather remained on Saturday. We only walked around town a bit since we had to leave Saturday afternoon. On the trip home we did not get a sleeper car. Jerry wasn't able to get any sleep on the train. I was able to get a few hours of sleep, but the car was very overheated so it made it difficult to get comfortable.
As we were pulling out of Penn Station we talked about what an enjoyable trip it was and decided we needed to do it again sometime. Jerry said he'd want to do it in better weather, but I think the whole allure of the trip is to be in New York at Christmastime.