Our friends Jim & Susie (that's them over there on the left) recently purchased their retirement home on Lake Gaston at the NC/VA border. They aren't able to actually retire just yet, but now they know where they will go when they DO make that step. We joined them at the lake house for the holiday weekend together with John & June another couple we've known forever. (Here are John & June snuggling together while Jim looks on!)

Jerry, John & Jim served together on the the submarine USS Grant back in the late 1970's. Jim left the Navy shortly after that tour of duty while John & Jerry made it a career. Jerry for 20 years and John for 30.

Here's a view from the house into their cove. The boat house is hiding their ski boat and jet ski, but you can see the sailboat that Jim & Jerry took out for a spin one day. Everyone had a turn on the jet-ski and we had several nice tours of the lake in the boat. The lake is huge and we didn't see the entire thing, but it sure is beautiful.

We didn't spend all our time on the lake...we also put a significant dent into Jim & Susie's Tequila and Vodka supplies!
All in all we had a great weekend and we're hoping to get the opportunity to do it again (if they'll have us back!)
Photos are clickable for a larger view